Misrepresentation and Reporting Spam

ADFD is dedicated to upholding the highest professional and ethical standards with its business partners. ADFD, including its executives, board members, and employees, will never initiate unsolicited requests for project, personal, or financial information. ADFD does not solicit or accept unsolicited requests for project financing, loans, or other banking services. Similarly, ADFD does not request or accept financial deposits, bonds, or fees for considering projects, job offers, loans, or services via email. ADFD does not have any associates, representatives, agents, and will not send any correspondence from email domains other than adfd.ae.

If you become aware of any potentially illegal, unethical, or improper conduct by an ADFD institution, employee, affiliate, customer, supplier, or if someone claiming to be associated with ADFD has contacted you unsolicited, please report it to us through the 'Contact Us' section of our website.